Wednesday, July 23, 2014

How to Be A Person Of Value?

Every wonder how to be of Value?

In this video, I share some ways any of us can be of value every day in some way to some one.

Maybe you are like me and you wondered what it  meant to to be of value.

Could providing value really just be as simple as:

~ teaching something you know

~ teach how to strategies

~ give out information on various things

~ sharing yourself?

Could providing value really just be as simple just being YOU?

Or maybe, it's just showing love and kindness to others in some small way.

I'd love to hear your feedback on what I share here about how you might consider being a person that gives to others, even if they never join your business.

What would happen if you lived your live like that?



Regina Floyd

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

High Speed Bullet Train For Freedom Leaving The Station: ALL Aboard!

I wasn't going to share this video 

I had sent to my list. 

It feels a little raw, it feels vulnerable, and the goals I declare in it scare me a lot! 

I also know some people are going to think I'm crazy and I wont be able to do it...then I remembered this...

in 1998 after spending 10 years as a police dispatcher, I announced I was testing for Police Officer.

I just made a decision to do it one day.

I was way older than the typical 21 year old recruit, I was not super athletic, and had a LOT Of work to do to prepare for the tests to get into the Police Academy.

On the outside, my chances looked slim

I did it anyway.....I quietly passed the written test, started training for the physical agility test and by the Grace of God, I made it......and got into the academy in July 1998.

In this video I share my plan, my goals, my intentions, and I might not sound very nice to some people....

but I made a declaration and now I'm putting it into action.

Want to know how I'm going to make things happen? 

1) Join our team - Click Here To Join Now -

2) Get "All In" on our team - this means to buy all the 5 CORE Products

3) Get To Our Next Event - you can buy your tickets in the back office.

This Bullet Train For Freedom is leaving the station with or without you.  

Get onboard right now!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Certainty: Are You Getting What You Came For? No Plan B


What would it mean for  everything in your life?

What would your life be like if you did everything with CERTAINTY ?

you just KNEW you were going to get what you came for!

Even if you had no idea how it would happen, you just KNEW it was going to happen.

Certainty means you just DO NOT see any other option!

In this video I share some times in my life where I knew with certainty I was going to get what I was there to get.

I just DID NOT believe it would be any other way.

What would your life be like if you lived it with so much determination there was just no other way about it?

What would that be like?

Let me know your thoughts and where you are willing to live with certainty and get what you came for!


Regina Floyd

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Come To Jesus Moment - Making Money Online is NOT Hard

Come To Jesus Moment  - Making Money Online is NOT hard

Are you playing Small in life?

While sitting in a conference listening to a speaker, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Making money online is not hard.

It was my come to Jesus Moment.

Urban dictionary defines "Come To Jesus Moment" like this : 

"An epiphany in which one realizes the truth of a matter; a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something; coming clean and admitting failures; realizing the true weight or impact of a negative situation or fact; acknowledgment that one must get back to core values; moment of realization; an aha moment; moment of decision; moment of truth; critical moment; moment of reassessment of priorities; turning point; life-changing moment."

In this video I describe my come to Jesus moment tonight when I considered what I want in my life and my business and where I'm at and how RIDICULOUSLY small I've been playing.

Yep...I said it.

I've been playing small...

I am capable of SO MUCH MORE

In this video I mention just a few of the things I've had to do in my life that were hard....I am a badass!!!!


I've been playing small....up until NOW that is.

It ended tonight!

Making money online is not hard, it's not difficult.

That's when it hit me ...a moment of truth, a turning point!

Sure, there is a learning curve,

Making money online is not easy and work is required but I've worked harder doing more challenging things before.

As a LVMPD Police officer/ Police Sergeant there were things I had to do daily at my job (never mind all the things I mentioned just to GET the job)

The men and women of law enforcement run towards knives and gun shots and crazy people with swords and more.  They don't play small in dealing with daily "routine calls".

I've had to walk up to suspicious packages to determine if it was an explosive device.

I've had to walk into homes of families reporting a death and stay with the body until the coroner arrives watching a family grieve.

I've had to work 10-12 hours shifts on the Las Vegas Strip freezing my boots off for New Years Eve....

That stuff was HARD

and I have the audacity to play this make money online game as if it was difficult, daring to believe it is hard?

HECK No.....

My time is now, I'm done playing small, I have BIG dreams that have been waiting on the inside to be created on the outside and the time is NOW

I"m ready to make my Impact on my life and the lives of others

Just WATCH me now

#impact #cometojesusmoment #greatnesswithin

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Lets Connect and Hangout on Facebook

Monday, May 19, 2014

What's The Power Of An Event (With Fire)?

Power Of An Event  

Incredible power in events, and the one I just enjoyed was no different.

When i got home, I knew I had to share a little about it, especially since it did involved fire.

Check out what I share about the power of an event and why you might want to make sure you catch the next one you are invited to.

Power of an event. 

Have you swallowed fire, or walked on hot coals? 

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd 

Saturday, April 26, 2014

How To Share Your Video To Pinterest


Did you know you could share your videos to Pinterest?

I know I was shocked the first time I heard it was possible.

It really is as simple as :

1. creating or logging into your Pinterest account

2. creating a board for your videos, or topic

3. Sharing from youtube by clicking the pinterest icon

As I shared in the video, you can even download the icon to show up on your browser as a bookmark and easily share anything you want to Pinterest.

Check out the video and see how very easy it is to share a  video to your pinterest account.

Hope this gives you an idea of the power of Pinterest and you'll get to sharing your videos with us all.

to Learn Other Helpful Marketing tips, Click HERE

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

p.s  Have you seen this banned video?  Crazy

Bring it! Will You Show Up Fully In Your Life?

Bring it -  

What would happen if you went at everything in your life and you "Bring it?"

"Bring It" is a phrase heard in BeachBody products, and defined like this:

bring it (on)

phrase of bring



used to express confidence in meeting a challenge.

"if you want to fight me so bad, bring it on!"

In Tony Horton's book.... "Bring it" he says "A better body—and future—is yours when you BRING IT!"

This is an attitude for life, for all areas of life, it doesn't just mean fitness 

Are you ready to Bring it! 

To Your Success,


ps.  Have you seen this almost banned video?  Click the graphic below

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

I Should Be Working....but I'm Not

I should have been working 

In this video I talk about a feeling I had while visiting the park today.

Honestly, I probably should have been working, but I wasn't it.

I decided to honor myself and allow myself to slow down, enjoy nature, and just BE.

Working is over rated anyway, right? 

Check out what happened as I enjoyed this moment of NOT working, and what I found that actually allows me to goof off on a Wednesday at noon.

I found a way for my business to be working for me even when I'm not.

What if you didn't have to be working? 

Would love to share that with you if you want to know what I found and how I can be goofing off when I should be working 



Regina Floyd

PS.  Check out this banned video

Monday, April 21, 2014

Day 5: What Do You Do To Stay Inspired?

What do you do to be, get, or stay inspired in your life? 

In this video, I talk about a couple of things I've been doing to get or stay inspired. 

For me, getting inspired means tuning in more, slowing down, taking time to breathe and enjoy life instead of "trying" to do everything. 

Being inspired is a more flowing place to live for me and I enjoy it there. 

What do you do to get, be, or stay inspired? 

Leave me a comment and share some ways others could use to be inspired. 




Thursday, April 17, 2014

T25 Day 1: Are You Willing to Feel The Pain?

Are You Willing to Feel The Pain To Get What You Want? 


Pain in various areas of our live stretches us and, on occasion, brings us to our knees where the real work can be done

"It is not the easy path that leads to the great discoveries"

Pain can be a good thing....

it means we are stretching outside of our comfort zone where the most growth can happen in getting the things we want.

We discover our real selves on the frightening, unknown path that pushes us outside

of the places that feel safe and familiar.

It's usually the deepest pain which empowers you to grow to your full potential.

It's the scary, stressful choices that end up being the most worthwhile.

Without pain of some kind, there likely would be no change in our lives, but remember, pain, just like everything in life, is meant to be something we learn from and then let go of and move on.

Pain won't be easy

Pain in working out just means your muscles might hurt, it isn't going to be easy.

Pain in relationships might be in learning how to get along, and how to collaborate on your lives together.

Pain in your business, stretching and getting out of your comfort zone and doing things that are not comfortable.

It might mean spending, doing, being ...and pushing yourself a little more.

Are you willing to endure the pain?

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Whats Your Plan?

What's Your Plan?

Check out what I share in this video about having a plan. 

I even share pieces of what my plan is for my life. 

Areas of Business, Fitness, Personal Relationships, etc.

I have come to discover that I am always tweaking my plan, as I go along, but that's ok....

glad to say I even have a plan, right?! 

So what's your plan for your life, your business, your relationships, your fitness? 

I'd love to hear about it.  Leave me a comment and share what you have planned for YOUR life! 


Regina Floyd

#plan   #whatsyourplan  

Gratitude and Grateful For A Happy Birthday


Feeling grateful for a happy birthday today!

In this video I share my gratitude and why I'm feeling grateful about my life today.

Focus on Being Grateful

Be sure to focus on what you are grateful for today...

and see what shows up in your life as a result.

Gratitude is the best attitude...

I believe that when your focus is on being grateful, more things to be grateful for show up in your life.

Try it and see and be sure to leave me a comment sharing what shows up for you.



Monday, April 14, 2014

Lesson Learned and My House Is Clean

Lesson Learned  and My House Is Clean

In this video I share a lesson I learned today while my house was being cleaned.

Yep....learned a lesson here.

Even better, something else happened at the same time that just made me laugh.

Watch the video to see what I share.

A Lesson can show up in a variety of ways

I love these kinds of lessons in my life because I'm aware of my own personal growth.

Life is about change and when we can learn from something and the lesson isn't lost, all is good!

What ever you do.....learn from my lesson and don't wait to go after what you want.

Make it happen and let all the detail work themselves out. 


Regina Floyd

Friday, April 11, 2014

Could It Be A Simple Decision

Could It Be A Simple Decision 

Could everything you want in life really be as easy as making a decision?

I believe it is?

In this video, I talk about some decisions I've made lately in my life and it seems that as soon as the decision was made, things started showing up in my life.

One decision to go for it really be the beginning of getting everything you want.

Is there a decision you know you need to make? 

What decision are you putting off in your life lately?

I encourage you to decide what you want, simply make the decision to do what it takes, and take the action.

I'd love to hear about a decision you've made lately and how it is showing up in your life.

If you got any value from what I shared,  Please leave me a comment sharing your thoughts and experiences about this.

It's Decision Time! 

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thoughts Become Things

Thoughts Become Things

What if simply changing your thoughts, you could truly change your whole world?

What would things look like then?

Would you be more careful about the thoughts you allowed in your head?

I know I would.

I have been more conscious and aware of my thought process lately and realized that many people see themselves as separate, different, "not like" other people

I got to see this first hand this past weekend while at a company event.

It isn't difficult to see another person with totally different results from your own and put them on a different level than we are.

Your thoughts are yours!

Truth is.....those are our own thoughts to deal with.

What if we chose to see it as it is.....these people are JUST like us with perhaps a little more knowledge, experience, persistence, etc than we have.

That's not a bad just means our thoughts can become things and we get to choose.

Choose thoughts that serve you and get you closer to what it is you really want. 


Regina Floyd

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Fear and NO Safety Net

FEAR with No Safety Net 

In this video I talk about the fear of walking the wire with no safety net.

It has been such a beautiful day here in Las Vegas, I decided to record this outside. Please pardon the birds, motorcycles, etc.

Fear in doing something is not new to me. 

As a police officer, I remember doing a lot of things with a sense of fear, but I just did what I had to do anyway.  That hasn't changed much.

Including when I walked away from my job, feeling some doubt, fear, and insecurity but I did it anyways.

I knew that no matter what, what I wanted in my life was worth kicking the fear in the teeth and going for it.

It hasn't been easy, but it is SURE worth it!

Don't let fear stop you.  

Safety net or not, pursue your dreams

Get Over Your Fear HERE

To Your Success,


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

First Starbucks in Seattle


Man oh man am I a fan of Starbucks. 

Check out my video shot in front of the very first Starbucks in Pikes Market place in Seattle.

Very Very cool, very busy Starbucks, with the most awesome coffee Ever!

Leave me a comment and share your thoughts about Starbucks.

Especially if you've been to this one!


ps.  Wondering how to be able to make money doing cool things like this?

First Starbucks in Seattle


Man oh man am I a fan of Starbucks. 

Check out my video shot in front of the very first Starbucks in Pikes Market place in Seattle.

Very Very cool, very busy Starbucks, with the most awesome coffee Ever!

Leave me a comment and share your thoughts about Starbucks.

Especially if you've been to this one!

Let connect on FB - Im REAL

ps.  Wondering how to be able to make money doing cool things like this?

Thank God Its Monday

Thank God It' Monday!  

How often do you find yourself saying that sentence?

Do you Dread Monday? 

If you aren't saying "thank God it's Monday on a regular basis....something needs to change in your life.

Monday should not be the day you dread in your week.  Honestly,....NO day should be a dreaded day.

Check out what I share in this video about why I enjoy saying "Thank God It' Monday!"  

Do You Wanna Love Monday? 

....and Tuesday, Wednesday , Thursday, ......

When you are ready to say the same thing.....visit , enter your email, watch the video and join me.


Regina Floyd

Friday, April 4, 2014

Struggling Marketer FINALLY Learns how to get Traffic and Convert

Was  A Little Embarrassed to share this.....

but I did...

You might understand why when you watch the video.



Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Why Did I Go To Traffic School?

I decided to go back to traffic school. 


Because I made a decision to get a college education in traffic generation once and for all. (without the tuition cost of a college education mind you)

To get on my list to get video lessons click here To get on my li

Traffic is critical to ANY business - online or offline. 

If you don't know how to generate traffic to your offer, and get people to buy, you have no sales.

Like I share in the video, even the local dentist and my church need traffic. Right?

Traffic generation, capturing leads, converting to sales is crucial to business success.

This traffic school is kicking things up a notch in this industry and I look forward to sharing what I learn with you.

I encourage you to visit enter your name and email and let me share my videos with you via email and share what I learn.

Lets Get Some Traffic!

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Friday, March 28, 2014

Dating Advice For Single Ladies??

Dating Advice For Single Ladies ? 

Not really sure if this is dating advice for single ladies, single men, or anyone for that matter.  It is something that I noticed and figured I'd share.

Your ENERGY and how you feel is huge in being single, dating, business, etc. because of how you shine. ( or how you don't)

I actually discovered this dating advice for single ladies on accident.

I actually love when that happens.

More importantly, I really enjoyed how I was feeling and I believe it showed.

Dating Advice For Single Ladies: Your Energy

I believe this is how important your energy is in all things that you do.

You don't even have to be single to enjoy this piece of advice about how your ENERGY plays a huge role in ALL that you do.


Regina Floyd

Thursday, March 27, 2014

What's LOVE Got To Do With It?

What's LOVE Got To  Do With IT?

Why am I talking about love and what does it have to do with life, business and fitness? 

Be sure to watch to the end of the video to find out why I'm doing my video outside instead of inside ....

I have come to understand that in order to love others, in order to be ALL of who we are and share ourselves fully, it is important to LOVE ourselves. 

Love must be had to be given

I can't give another what I don't have inside of  myself. 

What does love have to do with business?  I believe you can be completely transparent and be who you are when YOU love YOU.  More secure, more confident, comfortable in your own skin is good for your business too. 

In terms of fitness, taking care of my body is how I show myself I care about me and I LOVE me. 

Why I love being outside

Towards the end of this video, I share what I love about being outside and how this works for me. 

Life (and love) flow from me in all areas when I feel love and nature does that for me. 

I LOVE you, You need to LOVE you, and let your life flow as it should. 



Monday, March 24, 2014

Importance of Time Management : Intentions Day 52

Time Management  

In order to be more effective and get more done in my life, time management is crucial.

I'm surprised I haven't done a better job at managing my time up to this point

I've come to realize that time management doesn't have to be difficult, it can be something as easy as using a free Google Calendar tool.

How cool is that.

Time Management Doesn't Mean Money

Time Management doesn't have to mean spending more money although I am kicking my business up a notch and even hiring a Virtual Assistant.

There are so many things that take up a great deal of time that steal my time and energy and can easily by handled by an assistant.

Time management helps me stay more organized in my life and work towards a better balance in my life ....

One key area of time management for me is being willing to delegate things that others can do.  This has been a huge shift in paradigm for me.

For some reason, I thought I had to be making lots of money but Instead of waiting to make thousands to hire a VA, I've hired a VA so I can make thousands.

Areas that can use Time Management

Time management principles work in many areas of life: ....delegating house keeping, delegating lawn care, pool care, etc.

I've only given you a few time management tips here and there are many but hopefully you've got the idea and can think of ways to increase your productivity already.

If you are ready to improve time management with a simple business system, Visit today!

To Your Increased Success,

Regina Floyd

How To Get MORE Traffic With Internet Traffic Formula

Traffic with Internet Traffic Formula  

Find out how to get more traffic to any business, product, or service you are promoting.

#1 Concern is Traffic

Traffic is the number 1 concern of anyone working to build any type of business.

When you know how to get traffic to your business, site, etc, you are on your way to success.

Why Getting Traffic Isn't Enough

Getting internet traffic isn't enough.  You must also know how to convert that traffic to leads, and how to convert leads to sales.

In Vick's Internet Traffic Formula, you learn just that and MORE.

Visit the following link, get on the list, and find out exactly how he was able to get 40,000 leads in just one day!

You can thank me later!  :)


Monday, March 17, 2014

Do You Know What You Want? Do You Ask For it?

What Do You Want?  

Do you know what you want and ask for it? 
I'll even go one step further...
Do you know what you want, ask for it AND...Take action when the opportunity shows up? 
I do! 

You MUST know what you want

I believe that if you don't know what you want, you can't ask for it, and chances of getting it are slim to none. 

So what do you want? 

In this video I share how something I wanted showed up because I knew what I wanted, I put it out to God and the universe, and it showed up for me today. 
What do you want? 
Whatever it is, put it into writing, say it out loud, tell others, and be open to it showing up. 
Share what you want and leave me a comment. Please Like, Share and Comment 
To Your Success, 

Regina L Floyd
702 973-6120

ps.  What if you could get paid to listen to the radio while you are online?  
Would you want to know more? 

Friday, March 14, 2014

Ever Feel Tested? Intentions Day 42

Ever Feel Tested In Areas Of Your Life?

Have you ever felt tested in areas of your life?  Feel like maybe you are being taught a lesson, or there is something you need to get right.

I've been feeling tested in a few areas of my life and I share what they are in this video.

How Is Being Tested Like A Question?

When I feel like I"m going through a test in an area....I start to wonder if I'm being tested to see how serious I am.

It's as if I'm being grown and it's my change to prove I want what ever it is...BAD enough!!

When you feel tested, keep going. 

Are you feeling tested?  Might want to be grateful for that test - when you pass....imagine how awesome you'll be.

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Connect with me on FACEbook

Visit my  Page and "LIKE"

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Will YOU "Just Do It"? Intentions Day 39


Just Do It  

In this video I talk about why you must "just do it".

You must DO that thing you are resisting.

I share why this came up for me and how I really just didn't want to do what I know I must do....from getting up when the alarm goes off to working out to a workout dvd that doesn't just inspire me so much.

What ever you face in life, Just Do It! ..

Listen to the end of the video to hear what my daughter said to me one day when she was getting shots.  Pretty funny coming out of a kids mouth but now I repeat it.

Just Do it!


Regina Floyd

Will YOU "Just Do It"? Intentions Day 39


Just Do It  

In this video I talk about why you must "just do it".

You must DO that thing you are resisting.

I share why this came up for me and how I really just didn't want to do what I know I must do....from getting up when the alarm goes off to working out to a workout dvd that doesn't just inspire me so much.

What ever you face in life, Just Do It! ..

Listen to the end of the video to hear what my daughter said to me one day when she was getting shots.  Pretty funny coming out of a kids mouth but now I repeat it.

Just Do it!


Regina Floyd

Monday, March 10, 2014

Did I Finally Make A Decision? Intentions Day 38

Decision Day  - Did I finally Make A Decision?

Today was decision day.  I finally picked a workout program to go with.

The choices were Beachbody p90x3 or the Insanity Workout.

I chose p90x3.

Decisions aren't always easy!

The decision still isn't easy, but I just went with one I felt I could benefit the most from for now.

Honestly, even after completing the first workout, I missed Shaun T and his Rock'n Body workout.

I love the music and the dance feel to those workouts but I figure I'll give this a go for at least a week before making a final decision.

At least I made a decision, right?!?   I can always change my mind and go back to what I love.

Doesn't matter right or wrong, make the decision and deal with it

No matter what area of your life you find yourself needing to decide between one course of action or another, just make a decision, go for it and see how it pans out.

You can always adjust course later.

Ready to make some decision in your life regarding your freedom?

Visit ,
enter your best email, and learn more today! 


Regina Floyd

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Got Courage? Time To Put Your Big Kid Pants On!

Got Courage  

Wow,  I wasn't going to share this video then I decided to have the courage to do it!

What is Courage?

Wikipedia says Courage Courage is the ability and willingness to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation

I was dealing with a lot of emotions during the day and especially on the 30+ minute drive out to the cemetery in Boulder City Nevada to visit my parents on the anniversary of my fathers passing.

I started to make the video on the way there (on the highway) but decided not to.  Glad I did, saw 2 motor officers on the way. lol  (no courage there sorry)

This video is a long one but I was on a roll and remembering all the times in my life where I had courage and I did what I had to.  This came up for me because I started to feel heavy in even thinking about going to the cemetery.

Courage can be tough! 

I knew it would be emotional!

I got my courage on anyways....

Sometimes in life, you just have to DO what you Have to DO!

The time is NOW....



Ps. To work with me One on One - Click HERE!

What's the Secret of Happiness? intentions day 36

Secret of Happiness -

I was reading in The Slight Edge about the secret of happiness.

The secret is.....

do the thing that make you happy.

Be happy first and then the happiness you seek follows.

In all areas of your life.

Double Dog Dare Ya...!


Regina Floyd