Friday, May 30, 2014

Certainty: Are You Getting What You Came For? No Plan B


What would it mean for  everything in your life?

What would your life be like if you did everything with CERTAINTY ?

you just KNEW you were going to get what you came for!

Even if you had no idea how it would happen, you just KNEW it was going to happen.

Certainty means you just DO NOT see any other option!

In this video I share some times in my life where I knew with certainty I was going to get what I was there to get.

I just DID NOT believe it would be any other way.

What would your life be like if you lived it with so much determination there was just no other way about it?

What would that be like?

Let me know your thoughts and where you are willing to live with certainty and get what you came for!


Regina Floyd

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Come To Jesus Moment - Making Money Online is NOT Hard

Come To Jesus Moment  - Making Money Online is NOT hard

Are you playing Small in life?

While sitting in a conference listening to a speaker, it hit me like a ton of bricks.

Making money online is not hard.

It was my come to Jesus Moment.

Urban dictionary defines "Come To Jesus Moment" like this : 

"An epiphany in which one realizes the truth of a matter; a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something; coming clean and admitting failures; realizing the true weight or impact of a negative situation or fact; acknowledgment that one must get back to core values; moment of realization; an aha moment; moment of decision; moment of truth; critical moment; moment of reassessment of priorities; turning point; life-changing moment."

In this video I describe my come to Jesus moment tonight when I considered what I want in my life and my business and where I'm at and how RIDICULOUSLY small I've been playing.

Yep...I said it.

I've been playing small...

I am capable of SO MUCH MORE

In this video I mention just a few of the things I've had to do in my life that were hard....I am a badass!!!!


I've been playing small....up until NOW that is.

It ended tonight!

Making money online is not hard, it's not difficult.

That's when it hit me ...a moment of truth, a turning point!

Sure, there is a learning curve,

Making money online is not easy and work is required but I've worked harder doing more challenging things before.

As a LVMPD Police officer/ Police Sergeant there were things I had to do daily at my job (never mind all the things I mentioned just to GET the job)

The men and women of law enforcement run towards knives and gun shots and crazy people with swords and more.  They don't play small in dealing with daily "routine calls".

I've had to walk up to suspicious packages to determine if it was an explosive device.

I've had to walk into homes of families reporting a death and stay with the body until the coroner arrives watching a family grieve.

I've had to work 10-12 hours shifts on the Las Vegas Strip freezing my boots off for New Years Eve....

That stuff was HARD

and I have the audacity to play this make money online game as if it was difficult, daring to believe it is hard?

HECK No.....

My time is now, I'm done playing small, I have BIG dreams that have been waiting on the inside to be created on the outside and the time is NOW

I"m ready to make my Impact on my life and the lives of others

Just WATCH me now

#impact #cometojesusmoment #greatnesswithin

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

Lets Connect and Hangout on Facebook

Monday, May 19, 2014

What's The Power Of An Event (With Fire)?

Power Of An Event  

Incredible power in events, and the one I just enjoyed was no different.

When i got home, I knew I had to share a little about it, especially since it did involved fire.

Check out what I share about the power of an event and why you might want to make sure you catch the next one you are invited to.

Power of an event. 

Have you swallowed fire, or walked on hot coals? 

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd