Thursday, April 17, 2014

T25 Day 1: Are You Willing to Feel The Pain?

Are You Willing to Feel The Pain To Get What You Want? 


Pain in various areas of our live stretches us and, on occasion, brings us to our knees where the real work can be done

"It is not the easy path that leads to the great discoveries"

Pain can be a good thing....

it means we are stretching outside of our comfort zone where the most growth can happen in getting the things we want.

We discover our real selves on the frightening, unknown path that pushes us outside

of the places that feel safe and familiar.

It's usually the deepest pain which empowers you to grow to your full potential.

It's the scary, stressful choices that end up being the most worthwhile.

Without pain of some kind, there likely would be no change in our lives, but remember, pain, just like everything in life, is meant to be something we learn from and then let go of and move on.

Pain won't be easy

Pain in working out just means your muscles might hurt, it isn't going to be easy.

Pain in relationships might be in learning how to get along, and how to collaborate on your lives together.

Pain in your business, stretching and getting out of your comfort zone and doing things that are not comfortable.

It might mean spending, doing, being ...and pushing yourself a little more.

Are you willing to endure the pain?

To Your Success,

Regina Floyd

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