Monday, March 24, 2014

Importance of Time Management : Intentions Day 52

Time Management  

In order to be more effective and get more done in my life, time management is crucial.

I'm surprised I haven't done a better job at managing my time up to this point

I've come to realize that time management doesn't have to be difficult, it can be something as easy as using a free Google Calendar tool.

How cool is that.

Time Management Doesn't Mean Money

Time Management doesn't have to mean spending more money although I am kicking my business up a notch and even hiring a Virtual Assistant.

There are so many things that take up a great deal of time that steal my time and energy and can easily by handled by an assistant.

Time management helps me stay more organized in my life and work towards a better balance in my life ....

One key area of time management for me is being willing to delegate things that others can do.  This has been a huge shift in paradigm for me.

For some reason, I thought I had to be making lots of money but Instead of waiting to make thousands to hire a VA, I've hired a VA so I can make thousands.

Areas that can use Time Management

Time management principles work in many areas of life: ....delegating house keeping, delegating lawn care, pool care, etc.

I've only given you a few time management tips here and there are many but hopefully you've got the idea and can think of ways to increase your productivity already.

If you are ready to improve time management with a simple business system, Visit today!

To Your Increased Success,

Regina Floyd

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